These are the group of people known throughout the world (well in this little realm) as the Out-of-Control Buffy Shrine-rs. Each one has donated a unique item to the Cyber-Shrine.
If the members' name is red, you are able to visit their website, by clicking on the name.
*PLEASE NOTE: We happily accept new members but their names will no longer be added to the Club Members pages*
Disclaimer: Please note these items are NOT for sale.
Group 1
- #1 SpookyMagoo - Founding Shrine-r (autographed David Season 1 card)
- #2 Claddagh - Founding Shrine-r (7-member cast autographed picture & Dark Destiny uncut trading card sheet)
- #3 Vetala - Autographed David picture
- #4 thy Slayer - Autographed picture of James & Juliet
- #5 buffy5202 - Autographed picture of David
- #6 Kristen - Autographed original Buffy promo poster signed by Joss, Nick, and Aly
- #7 Jimbo - Autographed original drawings signed by Aly , Seth, and Nicky
- #8 Bri - Original hand carved stakes
- #9 Monique - Autographed picture of Nick & autographed Watcher's Guide by James
- #10 Icelord (wearer of the gold-plated Shrine-r fez) - Autographed Picture of ASH
- #11 horizon - Autographed White & White picture of Aly
- #12 AngelGrl - Official Autographed Buffy Postcards Signed by David, Aly , Seth, Charisma, & Glenn Quinn
- #13 Sultress - Autographed picture of David, Sarah, Aly, Nicky, and Charisma & the witch pez Oz gave Willow
- #14 Carita - Autographed Pictures of Eliza Dushku, Harry Groener & Elizabeth Rohm
- #15 Sarah's Carl - several LAPBP99 postcards each separately signed by Seth, Eliza, Joss, David, Jeff,
- #16 Cosmic Bob - "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered" script signed by Marti Noxon and Elizabeth Anne Allen
- #17 VT - Picture of Autographed white boxers signed by Joss, Todd B., Erika, Nicky, Chris
- #18 FASTEDDIE - Complete 9 card autographed set of BtVS S1 &S2 cards & Autographed Sarah photo
- #19 BuffyCrzd - Ziggy the Zebra TY beanie baby autographed by Aly
- #20 Samantha - BtVs scrapbook , bootleg copy of Earshot and GD2, S3 press kit & BtVS 30 min. pilot.
Group 2
- #21 Screamin' Slayer - Autographed Sarah Picture
- #22 MysticBuff - Cruel Intentions poster autographed by Sarah
- #23 Spence - Losing raffle tickets from '98 PBP signed by Joss
- #24 Cultjam - Comic book poster signed by Aly, Charisma and ASH
- #25 Strawberries - Limited edition uncut Inworks trading card of Buffy & Angel
- #26 WeirdArchives - Autographed Aly picture
- #27 bec - Autographed Copy of Welcome to the Hellmouth signed by Joss & official holder of Seth's butt
- #28 AngelLover24-7 - Autographed Seth Pic & Autographed Chris G. Comic
- #29 Lexy - Copy of the Faith, Hope & Trick script
- #30 drdan - Buffy Calendar
- #31 Keywe - Autographed S3 Nicky trading card
- #32 Safarigirl - In style David tub picture
- #33 DoBoy - Watcher's Guide autographed by Christopher Golden
- #34 Peace Fire - Claddagh ring & Buffy Yearbook
- #35 Faith - Becoming 1 & 2 Script
- #36 LunaMoon - Tortilla with David Boreanaz's Face On It
- #37 Brandi the Slayer - Tape of the Angel 6 Minute Promo with the Trailer
- #38 CHRIS- BTVS Journal Signed by Most of the ViP Attendees of the PBP99
- #39 Sachiel - Autographed pics of Larry BagbyIII and Erika; Xander, and Giles
- #40 buggo - Tape with Lovely Poet's David Interview, David on TRL and Angel Ep.
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